Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter ~ The Risen Savior!

Easter! For the Christian, it should be a daily celebration. I hope before I leave this earth ~ that is a true statement of my life. I am very convicted over the "Easter bunny" practices. Our youngest 11 yr. old came in and asked "how is the Easter Bunny symbolic to Jesus...i see the presents at Christmas are like the greatest gift God gave the world with Jesus or the presents the wise men brought baby Jesus...but how is the Easter bunny like Jesus?" I was so saddened that i had to tell her that there was nothing related to Jesus in this "bunny theory" that i was aware of. We even searched the "information highway" to see if there was any established relationship between the two unbeknown to me. I was probably trying to soothe my own conscious because i knew that this practice was totally a pagan ritual. My heart was elated that she wanted to see the connection but heavy that my youngest wanted to see Jesus in this particular part of our family's celebration at Easter ~ but saddened that her parents had not sought this avenue before her. That is my job!!! As a Godly parent, I should allow the Lord to lead me to find Him in everything I lead these kids in that He has entrusted to me and their dad.
Jesus' death was a tremendous sacrifice! There is nothing warm and fuzzy about it! Our kids need to realize what a horrific suffrage Jesus endured at their/our expense. I believe these details are often thought to be "too graphic" yet we have unconsciously allow worse to come into our homes via the television ~ and that junk had/has no bearing on their eternal life or awareness of our Savior's willing sacrificial act for them and me. It is not about the gory details but it is about what He endured ~ what length He went to for them/me. For heaven's sake, He sweat drops of blood when thinking about what He was called to do and the thought of being separated from His Father for the first/only time since eternity past. That is BIG! I believe the story of the Crucifixion and the emphasis on the Gospel becomes complacent in our lives and therefore our children are becoming a "little me" instead of a "little Jesus" ~ i don't mean Deity ~ i mean choosing to live a life that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father, which results in us becoming more like the ONLY suitable and sacrificial lamb ~ His son, Jesus Christ.

Moms and Dads ~ we have to know Him intimately to show our kids what that means. Actions do speak louder than words ~ and while works are not a means to obtain salvation, they are definitely product of it ~ the proof is in the pudding, so to speak! We have got to show our children, through our behavior, that our relationship with Jesus is not separate from anything ~ BUT to the contrary ~ it is dependent on everything!

I will stop preaching (mainly at my self) and say Happy Easter to everyone from our house to yours! I pray that over the next year, God will work in my heart and my life and that next Easter will be totally and completely Christ-centered at our house and yours. He is RISEN! Alive! Every day in the life of a Christian should be a celebration of these facts!!! The tomb is empty! How many religions can say that about their god's burial place? Hint, hint...NONE!!! And, because He is risen, we who know Him will rise again on that glorious day when He returns for His people! Get excited ~ after all...we are talking about Eternity...and right now we are just living in the "dash" ~ short, sweet, and a vital opportunity to spread the Good News to others!


Missy said...

Awesome post lady!
Great reminders of the Gospel.

Surrender Daily said...

Hi Electa! I'm glad I found your blog. I hope you get to update it frequently. I REALLY REALLY miss you guys. Please tell Amanda and Shelby how much I love and miss them. Things at my new ministry are going very well... please come by my blog ( and keep me up to date on how everyone is doing.