Monday, August 4, 2008

2nd Anniversary

Well, who would have thought we would make it to our 2nd Anniversary! It has definitely had some challenges along the way. The Taylor-Chandler Clan has been somewhat through the wringer the last six months to say the least. But, we serve a sovereign God who has this situation under control! Thank you Lord! There have been many times when i wasnt sure we would make it through tomorrow...but, here we are! One of these days I will learn to keep my eyes upward and my hands off! Until then, Lord help my unbelief!

A little update: We found out last week that Eric and Jessica are going to make us grandparents next spring ~ March 17. I was not originally thrilled with the idea ~ for heaven's sake...i have two 11 year olds! LOL But it is growing on me a little more everyday. My main concern is that they will only be married a year this October and I wanted them to wait at least 2! Oh well, life goes on and Electa is not in charge!!!

Kyle is doing better, is at home, and every day is a challenge ~ we trust the Lord more every day and know that these trouble times will someday be a vital part of Kyle's witness for his Lord! Some days I thank the Lord and trust that this too shall pass. Kyle attended summer school and PTL got a C in Geometry. The last few weeks of the last school year were somewhat overwhelming to him to say the least, but he is just one class away from catching up so that he will graduate in 2010 with the rest of his class. He can do it!!! We are trying every day to learn to live with his problems and help him to make them positive attributes of his life.

Savannah is enjoying her new found extracurricular activities as a member of the PVHS Color Guard. She has been sweating it out every day since mid July. She, as most kids, will be thrilled when show time comes and the night air is cool ~ unlike the morning/afternoons in July and August! PVHS will go to A-B block schedule for the entire school year. This means that all the kids will have to academically maintain 8 subjects. This is much like JCIB, but at a slower pace. Some of the classess are AP or pre-AP, which will present more of a challenge for both Savannah and Kyle. God, please be with them both.

Shelby and Amanda are now in the JR. HIGH!!!! They are excited, yet intimidated at the same time. Both are truly thrilled that there are boys up to two years older in the same school that they will attend this year. Their dad and I have told them that they can't date until they're 40...i dont know why they are getting so excited...LOL

Last, but not least, Craig and I have made it through the first 2 years of marriage with 4 kids under-roof and one out on his own. With a blended family, there are many challenges...heck, there are many challenges without a blended family, right? right! I pray this next year will bring us closer than ever before. That we will respect, love, and treasure each other as God desires us to. I pray that i will be submissive and obedient in all areas of my marriage. (wow, did i type that outloud??? LOL) I also pray that Craig will be the spiritual leader that God wants him to be in our family. I truly want God's blessing on my family and I know He blesses those who are obedient. I trust God to increase my desire to be the kind of wife and mother that He desires for me to be. Honestly, i have a lot of work ahead!!!

We will start back to school next week and a whole new set of schedules will be implemented. One nice thing is that all 4 kids will be on the same bus and leave/get home at the same time each day. I know the 2 younger girls are so thankful they can sleep in an extra hour...i know i am!

Well, i will sign off for now. Hope everyone is enjoying what is left of the summer!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Oh Electa, how thankful we are for your family. I am sad that Logan has "graduated" from your class, but glad I have another one to take his place for a while.

We have prayed for your family and will continue to do so. I'm sure starting back to school will be a good structuring time for everyone.

Happy Anniversary to you and Mr Craig!!!! I'm so glad God brought you 2 together!
We love you guys!!!