Monday, February 25, 2008

Life in the fast lane...

Well, it is soccer time in Pinson ~ woohoo! I really enjoy watching the sport and thank goodness we have two the same age and on the same team! This means only one one schedule to juggle ~ soccer schedule that is. With a family of six there are always MANY schedules to juggle. I am so blessed to have a very helpful husband. Craig is great about pulling more than his share in our busy lives in raising these two pre-teens and two teens. The youngest two are playing this year in Bradford again and excited about the upcoming season. They must be ~ anyone who would practice out on that field in what feels like the dead of winter to me must like it, huh? When/if i take then to practice, i sit warmly in my van with the heat cranked up on high and sing or read. Hey! they are enjoying themselves so i do not feel one bit guilty. The weird thing about soccer is that it will last until late May and I will be sitting in the van with the a/c on then...LOL The girls' team is hoping to have their team name be "Rabid Squirrels" ~ i said "what????" I sure worry about kids these days. Craig hopes they get their wish so we can all buy/wear WEEEEEE t-shirts. LOL
Oh, this was about the schedules of six people under the same roof. Well, I already filled everyone in on the two yougest ~ the soccer is coupled with school, of course. Both have AR books/points each 9 weeks and it is like pulling teeth to get them to read at times ~ especially Shelby. I dont blame her, but it has to be done. I bought a series about a child that was adopted, called Elizabeth Gail, upon the suggestion of a church friend. Shelby's middle name is Elizabeth and her mother's middle name is Gail. Shelby was adopted by Craig and his first wife, Lisa, when she was about 3 years old. She had been with them since the age of 9 months. I figured i had hit pay dirt! woohoo! Right???? But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Shelby doesnt seem very interested at all. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed. Amanda loves to read but has herself on such a high reading level that the size of the books for that level has siked her out. We will continue to beat the reading rug until summer...LOL Go Shelby & Amanda ~ you can do it!!!! Thank you Jesus for these two very different 11-year-olds who make me work at being a good mother.
Next is Savy ~ she is so studious and grade-conscience...thank you Jesus! God has blessed her with brains, beauty, and wisdom. I forget she is only 14 sometimes and unfortunately that happens when she is doing 14-year-old stuff :<( She not only loves her books, but loves people and will go to the nth degree to spare someone's feelings ~ siblings excluded...LOL She want to try out for color guard and maybe dance line ~ another grueling schedule to include but i want her to enjoy the fun side of high school as well as the academic side. Go Savy ~ you can do it!!! Thank you Jesus for this child who makes it so easy to be a mom with great reward.
Last, but not least, we have Kyle ~ his schedule is scheduled around the cell phone and girls! He likes them and they like him ~ oh goodness! He is doing good in school ~ not his best...that is the part that gets me. He is so smart but could care less about academics...give him the girls and let him be the class clown. Now, THAT, is his idea of a good time. :<) He puts a smile on my face when no one else can. To hear him immitate some past teachers or friends ~ not in a meanful way ~ it is so hilarious! Thank you Jesus for his humor.
With these four schedules coinciding, we then add work, church, and family. Craig and I teach 1st an 2nd grade Sunday School and Awanas on Wednesday night. I sing in the choir too. These are listed for the purpose mentioning the privileges God has entrusted to me ~ also to note that life can get busy, fast!!! I pray that I keep my eyes on Jesus and never fail to spend time with Him on a daily basis. Afterall, all other things will pass away, but He will not.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Please don't stop teaching least for 3 more years!

I hear we are getting together Saturday night?!
Lets make plans!