Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Family in Crisis

As with any family in crisis, to seek God and His ways are the only answer to restoration. True confession and repentence are imperative. Holding on to our hurts only empowers Satan to keep the crisis alive. Forgiveness is so crucial. Change is crucial as well. Consequences are hard but necessary; however, we cling to the knowledge and promise that God loves the sinner and hates the sin. We must also hate the sin but love the sinner ~ not always an easy task, but a commandment of our Lord. It is also so important to remember that unforgiveness put the nails in Jesus' hand as did/has any other sin. I ask for prayer for forgiveness, change, respect of boundardies of others as well as understanding, discernment, and wisdom...for every individual in our family, including myself ~ i am in no way excluding myself. I am convinced that nothing is too big for God ~ for through Him all things are possible. I pray for the faith each day to believe that God will work all things for His good for those who love Him. He understands the hurting with an understanding that I do not know I will ever truly and completely comprehend until I see Him face to face. I pray that regardless of situations, we continue to serve Him and others with love and compassion knowing one day He will use this experience to able us to minister to someone in a similar situation and place of turmoil. I pray that when that day comes, each of us will be sensitive to His still small voice.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Kyle is home. God is working in all of us....PTL!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jesus Loves the little and big children

Thank goodness Jesus loves my son. It baffles me to think and know that God loves my son, Kyle, more than I can ~ kind of hard to wrap my mind around it at times...but then I look at the cross and know it is true!

Anyone who reads this post this week ~ please pray or continue to pray for him. He is battling some tuff demons and the consequences of his wrong choices are mounting. My heart just about breaks into when I visit him (unfortunately, he was taken from our home on Saturday evening due to his conduct). I pray that THIS time God will break through and Kyle will shake Satan's grip and reach for his Heavenly Father who already has a hold of him ~ holding him like only a loving Father can. But this mom is fighting with everything in herself to claim what she knows to be true: God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of courage, strength and love and a sound mind!!! 2 Timothy 1:7 I pray believing that Kyle will finally smack Satan's hands off of him and embrace his Heavenly Father with love and obedience. I have been in this place too many times to count and understand the daily struggle to resist...God gave us His Spirit to empower us with the ability to resist anything Satan has to offer. Thank the Good Lord for that!

Please pray for the rest of our family. Everyone is effected when a family member takes the wrong path. We miss him. We hurt for him. And sadly, we sometimes hurt because of him ~ some of his choices and actions towards us. Forgiveness is a given...forgetting can be much harder.

We have court again tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. I pray God's will and trust Him completely with the life of my son...the one he lets me love...the one that really belongs to Him. It is very possible that the judge will decide residential mental health status for him this time. If it will save him from himself, I will trust God to be able to live with it.

One day...this will be part of what makes him the Godly man he will one day become!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, just when i thought life couldnt get any busier with 5 kids (4 living at home), guess what??? It can!!! LOL

Well, it is not necessarily a laughing matter...Craig has come down with a case of pancreatitis. I took him to one hospital on Thursday and they ruled out a heart attack, gave him some medicine for his stomach and sent him home Friday evening. So...less than 24 hours later on Saturday I took him to another hospital and they discovered he had pancreatitis. I knew I should have taken him to the latter hospital first!!!! Oh well, the good news is that he is getting better. They stepped him up from clear liquid diet to sausage and eggs and he is one happy man! Hopefully, he will get to come home tomorrow.

At the same time, I am taking Kyle for his ECT treatments 3 days/week. His first one went great and the doctor said he was a "textbook" case and responded beautifully...we will go again tomorrow. The unfortunate part is that he cant go back to school until these treatments are complete in 2-4 weeks. Playing catch-up will mean a lot of prayer on Kyle's and my part!!! The girls brought home progress reports yesterday too ~ let's just say that only one got a "smiley" face from mom!

The weird thing about this all is that I was juggling the same schedules 8 years ago!!! History does repeat itself, doesnt it??? Oh well, if I learned anything back then, it was that God will bring you through whatever He brings you to. I am 8 years older though, and tire much easier...LOL

I pray that this increases my dependency on the Lord and draws my family closer to each other and to the Man with the Plan! As one friend pointed out, Joesph must have wondered "what in the world?" many times over those many years, huh???

Thursday, August 28, 2008

God's mercies are great!


Boy, has this been a week of my flesh fighting the sweet Spirit of God within me! The weather has made my fibromyalgia most uncomfortable and we had court this week regarding Kyle's difficulties in the area of law-abiding tendencies. That would indicate that my "stress" factors where on high as well ~ not good for fibromyalgia either, huh? But, this also DID pass and I am still standing...all of us are ~ thank you Sweet Jesus!!!

I sit here now, able to speak from a thankful heart, but earlier in the week I felt abandoned, fearful, and sad. Oh me of little faith! The court was very merciful to Kyle and basically nothing just all became legal. Pray for him, please...anyone, everyone!!! He came to me last night and asked me to pray with him ~ PTL!!! He sobbed as He asked God to take away his anger and not let him turn out to be a criminal. Broke this momma's heart! I could strangle him one minute and hug him so tight the next. I sobbed with him and prayed every verse of reassurance and promise over him that God brought to my mind. I mainly prayed for God to bless him with a sound mind...something i often take for granted without even realizing it. I pray that this is the day that peace will be restored to our home! They say the first year of marriage is the hardest ~ i think was year #2!!! I am praying believing that God will heal Kyle's mind in every way. We all know the mind is the battlefield ~ we just often forget that the battle has already been won! Lord, help my unbelief, and increase my miniscule faith in this and other areas. We have become the most dysfunctional six people on planet earth! How did this happen? Where was I looking? Certainly, i must have taken my eyes off the Lord. Like the disciples, i fell asleep instead of praying...right??? However, this is how Satan works...he looks for those nook and crannies we have and that we think we don't have to feed with prayer and the Word. We are like a sponge with each hole respresenting each facet of our lives. If we allow the great deceiver access to one small hole (area of our lives), he seaps into others and before we know it. we are filled with areas of sin in our lives that are all over the place! Thank the Lord that confession and repentence is blessed with forgiveness, which expels Satan from any hole in our sponge. When we allow God to do His work in our hearts and lives, He gives us a good "wringing out" that rids all holes from Satan's stink! Thank you Sweet Jesus!!!

I pray for all reading this post that you stay "prayed up" and in the Word ~ not that it will spare you from the troubles of this life...Jesus assures us they will come, but it will prepare you for the any battle when it arrives~ and it will surely show up!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Days of Choice

Well, here i am again and it has NOT been 6 mos...yeah, me!!! LOL
Today, i want to blog about something very serious ~ raising the children God has entrusted to Craig and me.

Raising kids these days is extremely difficult! Especially a household of 6 where 4 of us are preteen or teenagers. OMG! Where do they get the energy to keep me on my toes night and day??? They seem to be from a different breed than i remember being as a child. I distinctly remember "because I said so" meaning the discussion was over! For some reason, that doesnt work anymore. What happened????

I understand the need to be independent while one is not quite ready to spread their wings, yet not so young that they still have a hold of my pants leg. Gracious, they are too big to spank, yet they refuse to do as they are told! Any form of discipline seems to make n0 impression for better behavior. I get really tired being the bad guy all the time. I believe with all my heart that Craig and I seek the Lord at every breath of parenthood. How in the world would you do it otherwise??? I also believe that in the end all will be OK ~ but it is this "in the meantime" stuff that is absolutely wearing me out!!! I really want good relationships with my children...but i am their parent first and their friend second. With one having a driver's license and another working on a permit...i am SO thankful there is a 3-year break before the next two enter this phase....BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!!!

I often question my abilities as a parent. I am trying hard to pick my battles and relate to them on their level ~ but for crying out loud...what is their level??? For the life of me, I cannot seem to find it sometimes. I have succumb to prayer being the answer to everything that has to do with kids ~ staying on my knees through these trying times! I believe with all my heart that God's Word addresses all things pertinent to parenthood. I just sometimes have a hard time finding that valuable association between a passage and its application. I pray daily for God's direction, wisdom, steadfast love, mercy and grace to be what they need. I pray for each of them to realize that God is all they need and that I am just the guidance counselor...LOL

We have hit some tough spots in the road in the last year and ask for prayer for all of us on a daily basis. It doesn't look as if the situation will change any time soon, but my perspective that God has all under control has to be at the top of the list. I ask for prayer for my unbelief at times and thank God that He is faithful even when I am not. I only desire the faith of a mustard seed...ONLY???? That is gianormous!!!! It is natural as a parent to want to spare your kids from bad consequences they have to endure due to poor choices. I have learned in recent years that this is imperative for them to learn to live within the boundaries that God has set before them and those the law of the land imposes. The school of hard knocks is often brought upon ourselves by the bad choices we make and consequences we must endure due to those poor choices.

The last thing i would like to address is that having a child with special needs or an emotional/mental illness can complicate things even more but in the eyes of our Heavenly Father, it is an opportunity to show His greatness in special circumstances. Every child is a gift from God regardless of his/her disabilities. Craig and I pray that God keeps His love at the forefront of our parenting and that we remember the grace He consistantly and so lovingly showers upon us every day so that we can "pay it forward" to our children who will hopefully "pay it forward" to each other, their friends and one day their children. Every day we pray for God to increase our dependency on Him. We trust that He will work ALL things to the good for His perfect purpose for those who love Him. We love you Lord! Bless our Home!

Ok, just one more prayer request. Lord, please send us friends that we can fellowship with inside/outside of church. Brothers & sisters in Christ where we can spur one another as iron sharpens iron. That we can learn from and hopefully be of some help to as we allow God to minister through us to their family. People to create special memories with and treasure as the gift they will be to us ~ may be be such a treasure to them as well.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Craig and I are going to be grandparents in mid-March 2009!!!! Jessica and Eric are due March 17th!

Monday, August 4, 2008

2nd Anniversary

Well, who would have thought we would make it to our 2nd Anniversary! It has definitely had some challenges along the way. The Taylor-Chandler Clan has been somewhat through the wringer the last six months to say the least. But, we serve a sovereign God who has this situation under control! Thank you Lord! There have been many times when i wasnt sure we would make it through tomorrow...but, here we are! One of these days I will learn to keep my eyes upward and my hands off! Until then, Lord help my unbelief!

A little update: We found out last week that Eric and Jessica are going to make us grandparents next spring ~ March 17. I was not originally thrilled with the idea ~ for heaven's sake...i have two 11 year olds! LOL But it is growing on me a little more everyday. My main concern is that they will only be married a year this October and I wanted them to wait at least 2! Oh well, life goes on and Electa is not in charge!!!

Kyle is doing better, is at home, and every day is a challenge ~ we trust the Lord more every day and know that these trouble times will someday be a vital part of Kyle's witness for his Lord! Some days I thank the Lord and trust that this too shall pass. Kyle attended summer school and PTL got a C in Geometry. The last few weeks of the last school year were somewhat overwhelming to him to say the least, but he is just one class away from catching up so that he will graduate in 2010 with the rest of his class. He can do it!!! We are trying every day to learn to live with his problems and help him to make them positive attributes of his life.

Savannah is enjoying her new found extracurricular activities as a member of the PVHS Color Guard. She has been sweating it out every day since mid July. She, as most kids, will be thrilled when show time comes and the night air is cool ~ unlike the morning/afternoons in July and August! PVHS will go to A-B block schedule for the entire school year. This means that all the kids will have to academically maintain 8 subjects. This is much like JCIB, but at a slower pace. Some of the classess are AP or pre-AP, which will present more of a challenge for both Savannah and Kyle. God, please be with them both.

Shelby and Amanda are now in the JR. HIGH!!!! They are excited, yet intimidated at the same time. Both are truly thrilled that there are boys up to two years older in the same school that they will attend this year. Their dad and I have told them that they can't date until they're 40...i dont know why they are getting so excited...LOL

Last, but not least, Craig and I have made it through the first 2 years of marriage with 4 kids under-roof and one out on his own. With a blended family, there are many challenges...heck, there are many challenges without a blended family, right? right! I pray this next year will bring us closer than ever before. That we will respect, love, and treasure each other as God desires us to. I pray that i will be submissive and obedient in all areas of my marriage. (wow, did i type that outloud??? LOL) I also pray that Craig will be the spiritual leader that God wants him to be in our family. I truly want God's blessing on my family and I know He blesses those who are obedient. I trust God to increase my desire to be the kind of wife and mother that He desires for me to be. Honestly, i have a lot of work ahead!!!

We will start back to school next week and a whole new set of schedules will be implemented. One nice thing is that all 4 kids will be on the same bus and leave/get home at the same time each day. I know the 2 younger girls are so thankful they can sleep in an extra hour...i know i am!

Well, i will sign off for now. Hope everyone is enjoying what is left of the summer!