Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Family in Crisis

As with any family in crisis, to seek God and His ways are the only answer to restoration. True confession and repentence are imperative. Holding on to our hurts only empowers Satan to keep the crisis alive. Forgiveness is so crucial. Change is crucial as well. Consequences are hard but necessary; however, we cling to the knowledge and promise that God loves the sinner and hates the sin. We must also hate the sin but love the sinner ~ not always an easy task, but a commandment of our Lord. It is also so important to remember that unforgiveness put the nails in Jesus' hand as did/has any other sin. I ask for prayer for forgiveness, change, respect of boundardies of others as well as understanding, discernment, and wisdom...for every individual in our family, including myself ~ i am in no way excluding myself. I am convinced that nothing is too big for God ~ for through Him all things are possible. I pray for the faith each day to believe that God will work all things for His good for those who love Him. He understands the hurting with an understanding that I do not know I will ever truly and completely comprehend until I see Him face to face. I pray that regardless of situations, we continue to serve Him and others with love and compassion knowing one day He will use this experience to able us to minister to someone in a similar situation and place of turmoil. I pray that when that day comes, each of us will be sensitive to His still small voice.

1 comment:

Missy said...

All I can offer is prayers, and will continue to do so.
We miss you!