Thursday, August 28, 2008

God's mercies are great!


Boy, has this been a week of my flesh fighting the sweet Spirit of God within me! The weather has made my fibromyalgia most uncomfortable and we had court this week regarding Kyle's difficulties in the area of law-abiding tendencies. That would indicate that my "stress" factors where on high as well ~ not good for fibromyalgia either, huh? But, this also DID pass and I am still standing...all of us are ~ thank you Sweet Jesus!!!

I sit here now, able to speak from a thankful heart, but earlier in the week I felt abandoned, fearful, and sad. Oh me of little faith! The court was very merciful to Kyle and basically nothing just all became legal. Pray for him, please...anyone, everyone!!! He came to me last night and asked me to pray with him ~ PTL!!! He sobbed as He asked God to take away his anger and not let him turn out to be a criminal. Broke this momma's heart! I could strangle him one minute and hug him so tight the next. I sobbed with him and prayed every verse of reassurance and promise over him that God brought to my mind. I mainly prayed for God to bless him with a sound mind...something i often take for granted without even realizing it. I pray that this is the day that peace will be restored to our home! They say the first year of marriage is the hardest ~ i think was year #2!!! I am praying believing that God will heal Kyle's mind in every way. We all know the mind is the battlefield ~ we just often forget that the battle has already been won! Lord, help my unbelief, and increase my miniscule faith in this and other areas. We have become the most dysfunctional six people on planet earth! How did this happen? Where was I looking? Certainly, i must have taken my eyes off the Lord. Like the disciples, i fell asleep instead of praying...right??? However, this is how Satan works...he looks for those nook and crannies we have and that we think we don't have to feed with prayer and the Word. We are like a sponge with each hole respresenting each facet of our lives. If we allow the great deceiver access to one small hole (area of our lives), he seaps into others and before we know it. we are filled with areas of sin in our lives that are all over the place! Thank the Lord that confession and repentence is blessed with forgiveness, which expels Satan from any hole in our sponge. When we allow God to do His work in our hearts and lives, He gives us a good "wringing out" that rids all holes from Satan's stink! Thank you Sweet Jesus!!!

I pray for all reading this post that you stay "prayed up" and in the Word ~ not that it will spare you from the troubles of this life...Jesus assures us they will come, but it will prepare you for the any battle when it arrives~ and it will surely show up!

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