Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, just when i thought life couldnt get any busier with 5 kids (4 living at home), guess what??? It can!!! LOL

Well, it is not necessarily a laughing matter...Craig has come down with a case of pancreatitis. I took him to one hospital on Thursday and they ruled out a heart attack, gave him some medicine for his stomach and sent him home Friday evening. So...less than 24 hours later on Saturday I took him to another hospital and they discovered he had pancreatitis. I knew I should have taken him to the latter hospital first!!!! Oh well, the good news is that he is getting better. They stepped him up from clear liquid diet to sausage and eggs and he is one happy man! Hopefully, he will get to come home tomorrow.

At the same time, I am taking Kyle for his ECT treatments 3 days/week. His first one went great and the doctor said he was a "textbook" case and responded beautifully...we will go again tomorrow. The unfortunate part is that he cant go back to school until these treatments are complete in 2-4 weeks. Playing catch-up will mean a lot of prayer on Kyle's and my part!!! The girls brought home progress reports yesterday too ~ let's just say that only one got a "smiley" face from mom!

The weird thing about this all is that I was juggling the same schedules 8 years ago!!! History does repeat itself, doesnt it??? Oh well, if I learned anything back then, it was that God will bring you through whatever He brings you to. I am 8 years older though, and tire much easier...LOL

I pray that this increases my dependency on the Lord and draws my family closer to each other and to the Man with the Plan! As one friend pointed out, Joesph must have wondered "what in the world?" many times over those many years, huh???


Missy said...

I'm so sorry about Craig! I got home and read the prayer mail progress of him and Dianne. Good grief!
Please let me know if we can do anything for you guys :)
Love yall!

valerie said...

You and your family are in my prayers. If you need anything, please let me know. We know God is right there with you seeing you through this. Just rest in Him and lean on your friends and you will get through this.