Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Well, here we are, our 2nd Christmas together! Wow! A lot happened in 2007. Craig and I celebrated our first anniversary; Eric and Jessica married, and Justin and Chelsea's wedding was emphatically the most beautiful picture of Jesus I have ever seen portrayed! The kids are all growing up so fast! Kyle got his permit ~ ALL POINTS BULLETIN TO ALL DRIVERS IN THE PINSON-TRUSSVILLE-CENTER POINT AREAS!!!...LOL We will survive! hehe The youngest two are growing into young women and fight like cats! I pray that this will cease for my santity's sake. Kyle and Savannah are too close in age for their own comfort. Each are trying to define their space. Savannah needs "girl" time and Kyle need "Savannah" time. Hopefully, they will learn to respect each other's "space" and let this lesson flow over into all relationships in their lives. Both are doing great in school. I pray that they find a physical activity for the necessary outlet we all possess. That, alone, will create some time in their own circle without the other looking on. Most of all, i pray with all my heart, that they grow in the Lord in 2008 like they have never known. This life has little stability to offer and they need to know the only true stable One! My mom says, in their time it will come, and in my head i know that...but my heart years for them ALL to avoid Satan's traps and deceit and be spared some tragedy ~ some tragedies are inevitable.

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