Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh the woes of "teenageville!" We have a house FULL of these unique indivudals. Kyle is the oldest, 15. Then, you have Savannah, 14, and the two youngest, Shelby and Amanda, share the tender younge age of 11. Talk about raging hormones! LOL Kyle has already experienced the onset and offset of his first teen relationship. They made such a cute couple, but for reasons not divulged to "mom" they have decided to part ways. Destiny was very good for Kyle. She is a precious young lady and loves the Lord...something that Craig and I were very thankful for in the time that this tender relationship lasted ~ 6 months! That is eternity in "teenageville!" Destiny won a local beauty pageant at school and will go on to do great things, as we are sure of the same of Kyle. I hope they learned from their time together and hold no animosity for each other in any way.

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