Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jesus Loves the little and big children

Thank goodness Jesus loves my son. It baffles me to think and know that God loves my son, Kyle, more than I can ~ kind of hard to wrap my mind around it at times...but then I look at the cross and know it is true!

Anyone who reads this post this week ~ please pray or continue to pray for him. He is battling some tuff demons and the consequences of his wrong choices are mounting. My heart just about breaks into when I visit him (unfortunately, he was taken from our home on Saturday evening due to his conduct). I pray that THIS time God will break through and Kyle will shake Satan's grip and reach for his Heavenly Father who already has a hold of him ~ holding him like only a loving Father can. But this mom is fighting with everything in herself to claim what she knows to be true: God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of courage, strength and love and a sound mind!!! 2 Timothy 1:7 I pray believing that Kyle will finally smack Satan's hands off of him and embrace his Heavenly Father with love and obedience. I have been in this place too many times to count and understand the daily struggle to resist...God gave us His Spirit to empower us with the ability to resist anything Satan has to offer. Thank the Good Lord for that!

Please pray for the rest of our family. Everyone is effected when a family member takes the wrong path. We miss him. We hurt for him. And sadly, we sometimes hurt because of him ~ some of his choices and actions towards us. Forgiveness is a given...forgetting can be much harder.

We have court again tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. I pray God's will and trust Him completely with the life of my son...the one he lets me love...the one that really belongs to Him. It is very possible that the judge will decide residential mental health status for him this time. If it will save him from himself, I will trust God to be able to live with it.

One day...this will be part of what makes him the Godly man he will one day become!

1 comment:

Missy said...

We continue to pray, and our hearts break with you.